Legal information

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B-1000 Brussels
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Some publications may contain information relating to Collective Investment Schemes that are not registered in Belgium with the FSMA. As such, consequently these may not be purchased by Individual investors. For full details on CISs registered in Belgium, please see the following page on the FSMA’s website. Click here.

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Market and management commentaries on the  Website reflect the sentiment of AXA IM on the markets, in light of information available at the time. They constitute neither a contract nor a proposal or incentive to invest or speculate. Recommendations issued do not constitute a commitment on the part of AXA IM. All products and securities appearing on this website are subject to market fluctuations and no guarantee can be given with respect to their future development. Investors are advised, before any subscription, to read the issue prospectus and the last annual report of the UCITS concerned.

The information published on this website complements the publications required by regulation (prospectus, KIID, regulations or statutes, interim reports, annual/half-yearly reports, etc.) that are also available on request from AXA IM Benelux SA, Place du Trône 1 Troonplein, 1000 Brussels.


Terms of use

The purpose of this Website is to provide information about the asset management business and expertises of the AXA IM Group, a leading global asset manager with operating entities located in more than 20 countries (including AXA IM).

This Website also gives information on the AXA IM Group cross-border ranges of products and, in particular on  Luxembourg-domiciled products managed by AXA Funds Management S.A., a Portfolio Management Company authorized by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) and on Irish-domiciled products organized under the form of a unit trust and managed by AXA Rosenberg Management Ireland Limited, a Portfolio Management Company authorized by the Central Bank of Ireland.

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Some sections of this Website contain information, studies, analyses and comments on investment strategies, financial markets, economic trends, etc. This information is aimed solely at professionals and is not aimed at individuals.

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In this respect, you agree that AXA IM is not liable towards the user, so far as this is permitted under Belgian law, for any direct or indirect consequences arising out of or in connection with the use of such information.


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The international nature of AXA IM Group therefore implies that the communication of nominative information may involve the transfer of this information between countries that are not members of the European Economic Area (Area), with these countries applying different Data protection legislation to countries within the European Union.

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May 2020